Covid-19 Policy

General information

This policy has been created as part of our COVID-19 Risk Assessment and will be reviewed on a regular basis. If you require any additional information please contact the clinic by email on

Important information

If you have symptoms related to COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19, please let us know as soon as possible and do not come to the clinic. Symptoms include a high temperature, new and persistent cough or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). If someone in your household has symptoms related to COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19, please do a lateral flow test before coming to your appointment.

If you arrive at the clinic displaying symptoms of COVID-19 you will be asked to leave immediately, your appointment will be cancelled and you will be charged in full.

If you are unable to come to the clinic for your appointment because you are self-isolating please let us know as soon as possible. You will be offered the opportunity to have your appointment online using our secure video conferencing system. If you would prefer to rearrange your appointment we will do our best to accommodate you. But please be aware that, as per our cancellation policy we require 48 hours notice to cancel or change appointments.

If you are deemed clinically extremely vulnerable or high risk please do not come to the clinic. You can request that your appointment be held online using our secure video conferencing system. Higher-risk groups include older males, individuals with a high BMI, who have health conditions such as diabetes, individuals from some Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds, those with disabilities and expectant mothers.

If your practitioner is unable to attend the clinic in person because they are self-isolating you will be offered the ability to have your appointment online using our secure video conferencing system or with another clinician. If this is not possible or would prefer to wait to meet face to face, you will receive a full refund on any fees paid and your appointment will be rescheduled.

For the time being home visits will not be offered. This will be reviewed once national lockdown restrictions have been eased.

We will not be taking payment for sessions in the clinic. Payment for sessions will need to be done in advance by online payment or by bank transfer. If you do not pay for your session when using our booking page you will be sent an invoice with details on how to pay. If we do not receive payment for your session at least 48 hours before your session we will have to cancel your appointment.

Patient procedures for visiting the clinic

Please ensure you wear a face covering at all times when inside the shared spaces of clinic (e.g. the waiting room), unless you are exempt. If you do not have one this can be provided for you. Children under the age of 11 are not required to wear a face covering. You may remove your mask during your session but please maintain a safe distance in the room and use the hand sanitiser provided.

Please consider travelling to the clinic on foot, by bicycle or by private car to reduce the risk of exposure on public transport.

When visiting the clinic please ensure you arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment time to enable us to effectively manage the number of clients in the clinic at any one time.

Hand sanitiser will be available for you to use upon entry, both before entering the consultation room and on departure.

Toilets will remain available and will be cleaned regularly.

Updated January 2022.