We’re here for you in one of our Wimbledon clinics, online or at home.
Your first point of contact is likely to be with one of our lovely receptionists. They are likely to be able to answer your question but may recommend that you have a free 15 minute phone consultation to advise you on which services and clinicians will suit you best for your needs.
Our Wimbledon Clinic
We are very pleased to let you know that we have opened a brand new purpose built clinic in Ridgway Mews which is off the Ridgway, very close to our existing service. All therapy appointments will be held in our new location which you can find directions to here. We will be retaining 39 Church Road for our Psychiatry and Prescribing service having received our CQC registration.
You may prefer to speak to someone online, either for all your sessions or occasionally when you are away from London or unable to come to our clinic. Sessions will be conducted via our telehealth system and your security is our utmost priority. All telehealth sessions are encrypted end-to-end utilising Datagram Transport Layer Security/Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (DTLS/SRTP), which is used to transfer video, audio and text chat sent between you and your clinician. We use a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service, that means the communications between the participants on the telehealth session is direct, without any third party mediator—in plainer terms, this means that the conversation is not being accessed by anyone other than the participants on the session.
At Home
There are many reasons why you might prefer to see a clinician in your own home. Perhaps you think this would be less unsettling for your child, or you are in the public eye and would feel more comfortable in your own environment. This can be facilitated throughout London, please contact our reception in order to book.

How Psychology and Psychotherapy works at the Family Treatment Service
The first step is that you fill in our client registration form. This is then reviewed by our referrals team which comprises of highly qualified clinicians and is overseen by the clinical director
From here we will come back to you with recommendations for treatment options and clinicians who may be suitable. You can then let reception know if you would like to go ahead and book and you will be offered an initial consultation.
During the initial consultation the clinician will talk to you about the presenting difficulties and your goals for treatment. They will also need to ask you some questions about you medical history, family circumstances and suicide or self harm history.
Following the initial consultation you can decide whether you would like to continue with therapy. In some circumstances we may require you to be under the care of a psychiatrist before this is possible. There may also be times where the clinician you saw thinks that someone else may be better suited to see you. In both of these circumstances we will call you to discuss this. You may also choose to see an alternative clinician- what we know about therapy is that the “alliance" you feel with the clinician is important and so please do let us know if this is the case.
Family therapy appointments tend to have some flexibility as to when they are booked in the clinicians diary. When you have decided to commit to individual therapy you will be offered the regular slot times that are available. This may or may not include the time that you came for your initial appointment, depending on availability. You can choose one of these times or be put on the waiting list for an alternative time, within the days that the clinician works in our service.
Slots are held by us holding your card details on file in our secure encrypted system. These cannot be seen by our team. The appointment will be charged in the preceding week. You can miss up to 2 consecutive weeks and provided you give us the required 48 hours notice, you will not be charged and your slot will be held for you. If you need to take more time off, or are consistently unable to attend, we reserve the right to allocate your regular slot to someone else.
Chaperone Policy
The practice is committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for all clients. All clients are entitled to have a chaperone present during their appointment. Staff members have received appropriate training to act as chaperones. If you have any questions please speak to the reception staff who will direct you to an appropriate member of staff.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us and we believe that the issues brought to therapy must remain separate to a client’s identity. We have a lot of experience working with high profile clients and our notes are stored anonymously and on a secure password protected server. Our clinic is discreet and clients inside are not visible to the street. If you are high profile or wish to have enhanced profile protection please let us know and we will make sure to meet you at the door at your session time and escort you straight into your treatment room.