Please click the image to book your place on one of the sessions

Exploring the Menopause

We are pleased to announce that we will be running our first series of Art Psychothearapy Workshops exploring the menopause journey and how to navigate our changing roles and changing bodies.   

Every woman experiences transitions throughout life which can impact their mental and physical health. When searching online for advice most websites focus on the physical or biological symptoms of the menopause - offering good advice on coping with hot flushes, night sweats or mood swings. Very few offer emotional support where you can discuss what ‘hitting the menopause’ means for you emotionally.

We will be holding three sessions lasting 90 minutes in small groups of eight. In these sessions our Art Psychotherapist Michelle Guinness will help you explore what the menopause means for you, how it is impacting your life and help you reflect on why certain emotions may have arisen. You can attend just one session or all three. It is up to you.

Connecting with others through art-making and taking the time to pause and reflect will help you explore this new chapter of your life and learn how to have a fulfilling and purposeful existence as an older woman. 

No previous art making experience is required, just the curiosity to participate. Please note this is not an education space about the menopause but an opportunity to meet with like-minded women to use creativity to reflect and contemplate in a safe, contained space. Click here to book your place on the course.