Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is designed to enable people to live their lives to the full, by providing specialist practical advice and techniques.

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy is an evidence-based profession that seeks to enable a person to engage in everyday activities that they need, want, and/or have to do, that are necessary, meaningful, and supportive for everyday life. Occupational Therapists believe that engagement in these activities supports health and wellbeing both physically and mentally. 

Who could benefit from Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy focuses on enabling people of all ages to increase their abilities and independence in daily living tasks. Our Occupational Therapists work with children and adults with any number of diagnoses, including anxiety, depression, psychotic disorders, or physical health difficulties. The aim of the intervention is to listen, support and encourage clients to re-engage or learn new skills in any area of their life that they feel is important to them and their future.

Our Occupational Therapists can assist with the following: 

  • Motor coordination difficulties (e.g. clumsiness, difficulty engaging in sports, getting tired in lessons, losing attention or focus etc.) 

  • Sensory processing difficulties (e.g. easily distracted by noises, smells, or touch). 

  • Fine motor difficulties (e.g. handwriting, difficulties with dressing)

  • Anxiety associated with any area of occupational performance. 

  • Difficulty with planning, executing and completing activities, including general household chores, personal care, washing and bathing, difficulty following instructions.

  • Difficulty going out with family to weddings, funerals, birthday parties, family meals and gatherings.

  • Recommending adaptations or equipment in the home environment in the case of physical disability, to increase independence in daily activities 

Occupational Therapy at The Family Treatment Service

The first step for accessing our service is a one hour initial appointment with an Occupational Therapist billed at £180. During this appointment the Occupational Therapist will work with you to identify the specific areas of difficulty you or your child is experiencing in order to tailor the most appropriate assessment or intervention. You will be sent a pre-screening questionnaire on booking and receive a summary of the consultation (including an outcome and plan) after. 

Subsequent follow-up appointments for therapeutic intervention are billed at £160 per session and can take place in our clinic, or in school / at home subject to a travel charge. 

Occupational Therapy Assessments

We offer the following Occupational Therapy Assessments at The Family Treatment Service. These can only be booked following an initial appointment with one of our Occupational Therapists. 

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (previously known as Dyspraxia) is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults. Symptoms are typically present from early childhood and include clumsiness, slowness, or inaccuracy of motor performance. Our service includes a three hour face-to-face assessment with an Occupational Therapist either in school or at home, discussion with key staff at school, a full report with person specific recommendations and an online feedback call.

    Price: £800

  • If the difficulties reported relate specifically to gross motor skills alone (e.g. difficulty with riding a bicycle, throwing, catching, kicking a ball etc) then our Occupational Therapists may recommend this assessment. This includes a two hour face-to-face assessment either in school or at home, discussion with key staff at school, a full report with person specific recommendations and an online feedback call. Please note this assessment is only available for children between the ages of 3-16.

    Price: £550

  • If the difficulties reported relate specifically to fine motor skills (e.g. difficulties with handwriting, messy eating, doing up zips, buttons, tying shoelaces etc) our Occupational Therapists may recommend this assessment. This includes a two hour face-to-face assessment either in school or at home, a full report with person specific recommendations and an online feedback call. This assessment is available for both children and adults.

    Price: £550

  • This assessment is for people who have difficulties tolerating noises, tastes, textures of food, or are highly sensitive to touch including feel of clothing on skin. It includes a one hour online interview, a classroom observation (children only) a full report with person specific recommendations and an online feedback call. If you or your child has recently been diagnosed with a Neurodevelopmental disorder such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, occupational therapy or assessment for sensory processing needs may have been recommended.

    Price: £300 for adults or £550 for children

  • Are you finding it difficult to manage in your home environment? Are you struggling with managing your personal care or dressing, having difficulty getting on and off the toilet, or in and out of the bath or shower? Do you have difficulty with your mobility, using the stairs in your home or have frequent falls? You may benefit from an occupational therapy assessment in your home environment. The assessment can help you to identify your goals and assess your ability to manage everyday tasks. These may include washing and dressing, meal preparation, moving around your home, appropriate seating, or advice on falls prevention. Our specialist Occupational Therapist can offer advice on how to increase your independence through grading and adapting tasks, or by making minor adaptations or equipment in your home. If adaptive equipment is recommended, this can be ordered on your behalf (any equipment orders will be charged separately). A follow-up visit will then be conducted to assess and educate around safe use of the equipment.

    Price: £500

    Availability: Booked on request

  • Handwriting is used to express and communicate language in daily life. It is a whole body skill, involving the integration of motor, cognitive, perceptual and language skills. Handwriting is not a natural skill and therefore needs to be taught and practised. If your child is struggling with handwriting, our Occupational Therapists can provide an assessment and intervention plan. This will include a mix of observational and standardised assessments, with tailored individual plans developed for your child's specific needs. Our Occupational Therapists will work collaboratively with the child, teacher and parent/s in order to provide the most holistic intervention.

    Handwriting Support Package with Specialist Occupational Therapist Price: £480

    Includes a full assessment (1 hour) and four half hour intervention sessions.

    Resources with follow on work that parents can do at home, and a brief summary for teachers to handover strategies that can be implemented in the classroom.

    Handwriting Support Assessment with Specialist Occupational Therapist

    Price: £160

    Includes an assessment (1 hour) and a brief summary Report.

  • Eating disorders can have a huge impact on daily activities such as self-care, work or study, leisure and socialising. By using a client-centered and goal focused approach our Occupational Therapist can support you towards recovery by improving your relationship with food and your body. Occupational Therapy can be especially beneficial after being discharged from an in-patient hospital, day programme, or NHS out-patient service. For more information please visit our other service website www.theeatingdisorderservice.com/specialist-occupational-therapy

    Price: £160 per session

Our Occupational Therapy Team

  • Áine Loi

    Specialist Occupational Therapist
    Registered Associate Nutritionist

  • Humaira Shaikh

    Occupational Therapist