Parent Sessions
Managing self harm and suicidal thoughts.
Parent-only sessions
Parent Sessions
The Family Treatment Service offers sessions for parents of children and adolescents who self-harm or struggle with suicidal thoughts. These sessions are run by Stephen McCluskey, a highly experienced mental health nurse who has spent the last 30 years working with children, adolescents and families within generic Child and Adolescent services (CAMHS) and other specialist NHS services (including self-harm, personality disorder, eating disorder services).
The initial appointment is used to assess and understand the context of harm and associated risks and the circumstances in which harm may be triggered. Subsequent sessions will focus on these difficulties to help parents better understand their child's behaviours and the experiences, thoughts and feelings associated with them. The aim is for parents to help their child manage their distress more safely and effectively through harm minimisation techniques and strategies. Parents will also learn how to support their child to communicate more effectively when they are feeling unsafe.
Appointments are available Thursdays at 12pm and 2pm.
Cost: £120 for one hour